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;Raw Sound Creation Demo
;By: Joakim L. Christiansen
;Version: 1.1


; Structure WAVEFORMATEX ;may need to uncomment on Linux or Mac
; wFormatTag.w
; nChannels.w
; nSamplesPerSec.l
; nAvgBytesPerSec.l
; nBlockAlign.w
; wBitsPerSample.w
; cbSize.w
; EndStructure

Global format.WAVEFORMATEX

Procedure setWaveFormat(bitsPerSample=16,samplesPerSec=44100)
  format\wFormatTag = #WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
  format\nChannels = 1 ;mono
  format\wBitsPerSample = bitsPerSample ;8/16
  format\nSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSec ;8000 Hz, 11025 Hz, 22050 Hz, and 44100 Hz
  format\nBlockAlign = (format\nChannels * format\wBitsPerSample) / 8 ;equal to the product of nChannels and wBitsPerSample divided by 8 (bits per byte).
  format\nAvgBytesPerSec = format\nSamplesPerSec * format\nBlockAlign ;equal to the product of nSamplesPerSec and nBlockAlign
Procedure.l createTone(*address,volume.d,duration,frequency.d) ;returns needed size if address=0
  ;creates a triangle wave
  Protected sample.l, result
  Protected pos, dir, waveY.d, maxValue, centerValue
  Protected samplesPerHalfWave, waveIncrementValue.d, size
  Protected samplesSinceHalfWave, waveTop.d
  size = (format\nSamplesPerSec / 1000*duration) * format\wBitsPerSample / 8
  If *address = 0 ;return size needed
  ProcedureReturn size
  If format\wBitsPerSample = 8
  maxValue = 255
  ElseIf format\wBitsPerSample = 16
  maxValue = 65535
  centerValue = (maxValue/2)
  waveTop = volume/1000 * centerValue
  samplesPerHalfWave = (format\nSamplesPerSec / frequency) / 2
  waveIncrementValue = waveTop / samplesPerHalfWave

  For pos=0 To size
  If dir=0
  waveY + waveIncrementValue
  waveY - waveIncrementValue
  samplesSinceHalfWave + 1
  If samplesSinceHalfWave >= samplesPerHalfWave
  dir = dir!1 ;switch it
  samplesSinceHalfWave = 0
  If format\wBitsPerSample = 8
  sample = centerValue + waveY
  ElseIf format\wBitsPerSample = 16
  sample = waveY
Procedure.l createToneEx(*address,volumeAtStart.d,volumeAtEnd.d,duration.d,frequencyAtStart.d,frequencyAtEnd.d=0,noiseAtStart.d=0,noiseAtEnd.d=0,backToStart=0) ;returns needed size if address=0
  ;creates a triangle wave with added effects
  Protected sample.l, result, pos, dir, waveY.d, maxValue, centerValue
  Protected samplesPerHalfWave.d, waveIncrementValue.d, size, samplesSinceHalfWave, waveTop.d
  Protected frequency.d, frequencyIncrementValue.d, noise.d, noiseIncrementValue.d, lastNoise.d, halfSize, loop, loops
  Protected waveYpos.d, volumeIncrementValue.d, volume.d
  volume = volumeAtStart
  frequency = frequencyAtStart
  noise = noiseAtStart
  size = (format\nSamplesPerSec / 1000*duration) * format\wBitsPerSample / 8
  If *address = 0 ;return size needed
  If backToStart
  ProcedureReturn size * 2
  ProcedureReturn size
  If format\wBitsPerSample = 8
  maxValue = 255
  ElseIf format\wBitsPerSample = 16
  maxValue = 65535
  centerValue = (maxValue/2)
  waveTop = centerValue
  samplesPerHalfWave = (format\nSamplesPerSec / frequency) / 2
  waveIncrementValue = waveTop / samplesPerHalfWave
  volumeIncrementValue = (volumeAtEnd - volumeAtStart) / size * format\wBitsPerSample/8
  frequencyIncrementValue = (frequencyAtEnd - frequencyAtStart) / size * format\wBitsPerSample/8
  noiseIncrementValue = (noiseAtEnd - noiseAtStart) / size * format\wBitsPerSample/8
  If backToStart: loops=1: EndIf
  For loop=0 To loops
  For pos=pos To size
  If volumeAtEnd
  volume + volumeIncrementValue
  If frequencyAtEnd
  frequency + frequencyIncrementValue
  samplesPerHalfWave = (format\nSamplesPerSec / frequency) / 2
  waveIncrementValue = waveTop / samplesPerHalfWave
  If noiseAtEnd
  noise + noiseIncrementValue
  If dir=0
  waveYpos + waveIncrementValue
  waveYpos - waveIncrementValue
  samplesSinceHalfWave + 1
  If samplesSinceHalfWave >= samplesPerHalfWave
  If dir=0
  waveYpos = waveTop
  waveYpos = -waveTop
  dir = dir!1 ;switch it
  samplesSinceHalfWave = 0
  waveY = waveYpos
  ;waveY = waveY*16
  ;waveY + Random(90000)

  If noiseAtStart
  If lastNoise >= noise; Random(noise) = 0
  Select 0
  Case 0: waveYpos = Random(maxValue)-centerValue
  Case 1: waveY = Random(maxValue)-centerValue
  ;Case 2: waveYpos = Random(maxValue) ; waveY + Random(90000)
  lastNoise = 1
  ;adjust volume
  waveY = volume/1000 * waveY

  If format\wBitsPerSample = 8
  sample = centerValue + waveY
  ElseIf format\wBitsPerSample = 16
  sample = waveY
  If backToStart ;morph back
  If volumeAtEnd
  volume = volumeAtEnd
  If frequencyAtEnd
  frequency = frequencyAtEnd
  If noiseAtEnd
  noise = noiseAtEnd
  volumeIncrementValue = -volumeIncrementValue
  frequencyIncrementValue = -frequencyIncrementValue
  noiseIncrementValue = -noiseIncrementValue

Procedure addWaveHeader(*address,dataSize,channels,samplesPerSec,blockAlign,bitsPerSample)
  ; RIFF Chunk
  PokeL(*address+ 0, 'FFIR')
  PokeL(*address+ 4, dataSize + 36)
  PokeL(*address+ 8, 'EVAW')
  ; FORMAT Chunk
  PokeL(*address+ 12, ' tmf')
  PokeL(*address+ 16, $0010)
  PokeW(*address+ 20, $01)
  PokeW(*address+ 22, channels)
  PokeL(*address+ 24, samplesPerSec)
  PokeL(*address+ 28, samplesPerSec * channels * (bitsPerSample / 8) )
  PokeW(*address+ 32, blockAlign)
  PokeW(*address+ 34, bitsPerSample)
  ; DATA Chunk
  PokeL(*address+ 36, 'atad')
  PokeL(*address+ 40, dataSize)
Procedure catchTone(volume,duration,frequency)
  Protected *memory, id, size
  size = createTone(0,volume,duration,frequency) ;get size
  *memory = AllocateMemory(44+size)
  createTone(*memory+44,volume,duration,frequency) ;write wave data to memory
  id = CatchSound(#PB_Any,*memory)
  ProcedureReturn id
Procedure catchToneEx(volumeAtStart,volumeAtEnd,duration,frequencyAtStart,frequencyAtEnd=0,noiseAtStart=0,noiseAtEnd=0,backToStart=0)
  Protected *memory, id, size
  size = createToneEx(0,volumeAtStart,volumeAtEnd,duration,frequencyAtStart,frequencyAtEnd,noiseAtStart,noiseAtEnd,backToStart) ;get size
  *memory = AllocateMemory(44+size)
  createToneEx(*memory+44,volumeAtStart,volumeAtEnd,duration,frequencyAtStart,frequencyAtEnd,noiseAtStart,noiseAtEnd,backToStart) ;write wave data to memory
  id = CatchSound(#PB_Any,*memory)
  ProcedureReturn id

Define snd_explosion, snd_laser, snd_shoot, snd_pacman, snd_flying

snd_explosion = catchToneEx(1000,100, 1000, 50,20, 20,100)
snd_laser = catchToneEx(1000,100, 300, 1500,200)
snd_shoot = catchToneEx(1000,1, 500, 200,10, 1,10)
snd_pacman = catchToneEx(500,0, 100, 400,200, 0,0, #True)
snd_flying = catchToneEx(500,0, 200, 10,0, 5,10, #True)

PlaySound(catchToneEx(1000,100, 2000, 200,40, 0,0)):Delay(2000)
PlaySound(catchToneEx(1000,100, 2000, 10,200, 100,1 )):Delay(2000)
PlaySound(snd_flying): Delay(400)
PlaySound(snd_flying): Delay(400)
PlaySound(snd_flying): Delay(400)
PlaySound(snd_flying): Delay(400)
PlaySound(snd_pacman): Delay(200)
PlaySound(snd_pacman): Delay(200)
PlaySound(snd_explosion): Delay(1000)
PlaySound(snd_laser): Delay(300)
PlaySound(snd_laser): Delay(300)
PlaySound(snd_shoot): Delay(1000)
PlaySound(catchToneEx(1000,100, 2000, 200,10, 1,100 )):Delay(2000)

;Have fun! ;-)

Сайт посвящён языку программирования PureBasic — коммерческий компилятор языка программирования, использующего синтаксис BASIC. Предназначен для создания кроссплатформенных приложений для AmigaOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Windows NT и Mac OS X. Разработан компанией Fantaisie Software.