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Просмотров: 1282 | Дата: 09.05.2024 | Коментарии (0)

SpriteClick Demo

; ***
; *** Click on Sprite Demo
; ***
; *** Kaeru Gaman, Dec.10 2008
; ***
; *** PB Ver. 4.20
; ***


; ****************************************
; *** Check if Point is inside Box

Procedure PointColl( x1.l, y1.l, x2.l, y2.l, a2.l, b2.l )
  Protected Coll = #False

  If x1 >= x2 And x1 <= x2 + a2 And y1 >= y2 And y1 <= y2 + b2
  Coll = #True

  ProcedureReturn Coll


#No_of_Elements = 19

#TextCol = $FFE0C0

Structure GadgetElement

Define ColR.l, ColG.l, ColB.l ; color channels

Define n.l ; Loopcounter

Define MX.l ; Mouse X
Define MY.l ; Mouse Y
Define MBL.l ; Mouse Button Left
Define MBR.l ; Mouse Button Right
Define MOver.l ; No of Gadget under the Mouse
Define EXIT.l ; Exit Flag

Dim Gadget.GadgetElement ( #No_of_Elements )


OpenScreen( 1024, 768, 32, "Click Sprite Demo" )

; ****************************************
; *** Create a number of random elements

For n=1 To #No_of_Elements
  Gadget( n )\W = Random( 128 ) + 64 ; Width
  Gadget( n )\H = Random( 64 ) + 28 ; Height
  Gadget( n )\X = Random( 1023 - Gadget( n )\W ) ; X-Pos
  Gadget( n )\Y = Random( 767 - Gadget( n )\H ) ; Y-Pos
  ColR = Random( 95 ) + 32 ; Red of Darker Color
  ColG = Random( 95 ) + 32 ; Green of Darker Color
  ColB = Random( 95 ) + 32 ; Blue of Darker Color
  Gadget( n )\C1 = RGB( ColR , ColG , ColB ) ; Darker Color
  Gadget( n )\C2 = RGB( ColR * 2, ColG * 2, ColB * 2 ) ; Lighter Color
  Gadget( n )\T = "No. " + Str(n) ; simple text
  ; create a sprite for this gadget
  Gadget( n )\SprNr = CreateSprite( #PB_Any, Gadget( n )\W, Gadget( n )\H )
  StartDrawing( SpriteOutput( Gadget( n )\SprNr ) )
  DrawingMode( #PB_2DDrawing_Transparent )
  Box( 0, 0, Gadget( n )\W , Gadget( n )\H , Gadget( n )\C2 )
  Box( 4, 4, Gadget( n )\W-8, Gadget( n )\H-8, Gadget( n )\C1 )
  DrawText( 6,6, Gadget( n )\T, Gadget( n )\C2 )

CreateSprite( 0, 32, 32 )
StartDrawing( SpriteOutput( 0 ) )
  Line( 0, 0, 24, 8, $00FFFF )
  Line( 0, 0, 8, 24, $00FFFF )
  Line( 0, 0, 32, 32, $00FFFF )



  MX = MouseX()
  MY = MouseY()
  MBL = MouseButton( #PB_MouseButton_Left )
  MBR = MouseButton( #PB_MouseButton_Right )

  If KeyboardPushed( #PB_Key_Escape )
  EXIT = 1

  ClearScreen( $201008 )

  MOver = 0
  For n=1 To #No_of_Elements
  DisplaySprite( Gadget( n )\SprNr, Gadget( n )\X, Gadget( n )\Y )
  If PointColl( MX, MY, Gadget( n )\X, Gadget( n )\Y, Gadget( n )\W, Gadget( n )\H )
  MOver = n

  StartDrawing( ScreenOutput() )
  DrawingMode( #PB_2DDrawing_Outlined | #PB_2DDrawing_Transparent )
  If MOver > 0
  If MBL
  Box( Gadget( MOver )\X, Gadget( MOver )\Y, Gadget( MOver )\W, Gadget( MOver )\H, $00FFFF )
  DrawText( 1, 1, "Clicked On: " + Str( MOver ), #TextCol )
  Box( Gadget( MOver )\X, Gadget( MOver )\Y, Gadget( MOver )\W, Gadget( MOver )\H, $0000FF )
  DrawText( 1, 1, "Mouse Over: " + Str( MOver ), #TextCol )

  DisplayTransparentSprite( 0, MX, MY )

  FlipBuffers( #PB_Screen_SmartSynchronization )

Until EXIT = 1


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