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Просмотров: 1516 | Дата: 09.05.2024 | Коментарии (0)

Генерация HTML таблиц



Structure FormattedText
  align.i ;left/right/center

Procedure.s HTMLcomment(txt.s)
  ;returns text commented out the HTML way

  ProcedureReturn "<!-- " + txt + " -->"

Procedure HTML_PrintTable(Array arr.FormattedText(2), nFile.i, nWidth.i = 35, class.s="", firstRowIsHdr.i = 0)  
  Protected nr.i
  Protected nc.i
  Protected Padding.i=1
  Protected line.s
  Protected RowColor1.s = "FFFF99"
  Protected RowColor2.s = "FFFFCC"
  If Not nFile : ProcedureReturn : EndIf
  line = "<table"
  If class
  line = line + " class=" + #DQUOTE$ + class + #DQUOTE$
  line = line + " border=1 width=" + Str(nWidth) + "%>"
  line = ""
  WriteStringN(nFile,HTMLcomment("Start loop for rows"))
  For nr = 0 To ArraySize(arr(),2)
  If Not firstRowIsHdr
  If nr%2 = 1
  WriteStringN(nFile,"<tr bgcolor=" + Chr(34) + RowColor1 + Chr(34) + ">")
  WriteStringN(nFile,"<tr bgcolor=" + Chr(34) + RowColor2 + Chr(34) + ">")
  WriteStringN(nFile,HTMLcomment("loop for column cells"))
  For nc = 0 To ArraySize(arr(),1)
  line = "<td padding=" + Str(Padding)
  If class
  line = line + " class=" + #DQUOTE$ + class + #DQUOTE$
  If arr(nc,nr)\bgColor
  line = line + " bgcolor=" + #DQUOTE$ + arr(nc,nr)\bgColor + #DQUOTE$
  Select arr(nc,nr)\align
  Case #FT_Align_Center  
  line = line + " align=" + #DQUOTE$ + "center" + #DQUOTE$
  Case #FT_Align_Left  
  line = line + " align=" + #DQUOTE$ + "left" + #DQUOTE$
  Case #FT_Align_Right  
  line = line + " align=" + #DQUOTE$ + "right" + #DQUOTE$
  line = line + ">"
  If arr(nc,nr)\font Or arr(nc,nr)\fontSize Or arr(nc,nr)\fontColor
  line = line + "<font"  
  If arr(nc,nr)\font
  line = line + " " + arr(nc,nr)\font
  If arr(nc,nr)\fontSize
  line = line + " size=" + Str(arr(nc,nr)\fontSize)
  If arr(nc,nr)\fontColor
  line = line + " color=" + arr(nc,nr)\fontColor
  line = line + ">"
  line = line + arr(nc,nr)\text
  If arr(nc,nr)\font Or arr(nc,nr)\fontSize Or arr(nc,nr)\fontColor
  line = line + "</font>"
  line = line + "</td>"
  line = ""
  Next nc
  If Not firstRowIsHdr
  Next nr

Dim html.FormattedText(9,9)

For c.i = 0 To 9
  For r.i = 0 To 9
  With html(c,r)  
  \text = "row: " + Str(r) + ", col: " + Str(c)
  \align = #FT_Align_Center
  \fontColor = "blue"
  Next r
Next c

fname.s = GetTemporaryDirectory() + "html_output.htm"
fnum.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, fname)
If fnum

Сайт посвящён языку программирования PureBasic — коммерческий компилятор языка программирования, использующего синтаксис BASIC. Предназначен для создания кроссплатформенных приложений для AmigaOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Windows NT и Mac OS X. Разработан компанией Fantaisie Software.